
[Fondation d’Entreprise Ricard] Proletarian Poetry

The popular uprising of the yellow vests and its originality force us to reevaluate the institutional contestation forms. A look back at François Piron’s exhibition: Poésie Prolétaire (in English: Proletarian Poetry) at the Fondation d’Entreprise Ricard. For me, language is not outside the world, it is as concrete as a sandbag that falls on your head, it [Fondation d’Entreprise Ricard] Proletarian Poetry

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[YELLOW VESTS] For an ethics of the movement representations

While in France thousands of people have been protesting for several months for more dignity and tax justice, occupying roundabouts, being gassed and mutilated during demonstrations, being arrested, killed and dragged to court, some artists and curators find it opportune to represent and display the “Yellow Vests”.  It is therefore urgent to question the difficulties [YELLOW VESTS] For an ethics of the movement representations

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[YELLOW VESTS] Culture agents are calling for indolence.

ARTISTES, CITOYEN.NES PARMI LES CITOYEN.NES  A tribune on January 11, 2019 entitled “ARTISTS, CITIZENS AMONG CITIZENS” states the following question of engagement and its modes of action in institutional culture. @zizia-cyke documentation contributor returns on this call, which reveals the scale of the gap between agents of the official culture heavily challenged by the creativity of the [YELLOW VESTS] Culture agents are calling for indolence.

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