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What motivates the condemnation of various forms of domination in the art world?

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Judy’s “Greatest Opportunity”, Maria & the Dior Womb: a pseudo-feminist story of exploitation and appropriation


Total & the Lyon Biennale: Should we boycott the French “Oil Spill Biennial”?


On the question of anonymity

Anonymity is a strategy used by many authors to express themselves freely on certain issues deemed subversive by the authorities or a given circle (denunciation of abuses of power, situations of violence emanating from institutions and dominant people, hate speech, compromising relationships, etc.). Anonymity is used to guarantee freedom of speech and minimise the risk On the question of anonymity

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Why South Way Studio’s ideas Must Spark Outrage

Although contemporary art institutions are facing growing contestations from decolonial, anti-racist, anti-capitalist, feminist, queer and environmentalist struggles, many of these very institutions and their leaders hardly make the effort to hear, let alone welcome them. From 23 June to 3 November 2019, the Musée régional d’Art contemporain Occitanie/Pyrénées-Méditerranée (MRAC Sérignan), an institution under the authority Why South Way Studio’s ideas Must Spark Outrage

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[Fondation d’Entreprise Ricard] Proletarian Poetry

The popular uprising of the yellow vests and its originality force us to reevaluate the institutional contestation forms. A look back at François Piron’s exhibition: Poésie Prolétaire (in English: Proletarian Poetry) at the Fondation d’Entreprise Ricard. For me, language is not outside the world, it is as concrete as a sandbag that falls on your head, it [Fondation d’Entreprise Ricard] Proletarian Poetry

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To all those who wish to strengthen their vertical and authoritarian power they exercise only to serve socially and culturally conservative and reactionary interests, to all spokespersons trying to discredit dissident voices: Do not forget you are dealing with a crowd of ultra-precarized art agents who have nothing more to lose and who, moreover, have no GREETINGS

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Soo embarrassed to wake up this morning with all these pictures of French art world selfies with Emmanuel Macron at Élysée.  Please know that the art community is not comfortable with the current political trend in France. The right wing shift of so many agents from the art world is not representative of all of ELYSEE X FIAC

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